5 Minutes With Tara LaTour
november 2015
In celebration of our Tara LaTour trunk show this weekend, we thought it'd be fun to do a quick Q+A with the designer to get to know a bit more about the woman behind these wonderful gowns!
What is your favorite dress that you've ever designed + why?
Probably a navy dress we have called Kelsey. It is my favorite because it envokes so many stylistic feelings. It is modern, but has a vintage feel. It has a lot of raw texture but is also clean. It is also very romantic while being structured. I feel not many dresses can provide all that in a single dress.
"Kelsey" by Tara LaTour
Who is your style icon?
Chanel for her innovation and how she challenged ideas of what garments should look like. Stylistically speaking, I am a total sucker for Charles James and Alexander McQueen.
What celebrity would you want to dress and why?
That's a tough one! Either Amy Adams, Cate Blanchette, or Elizabeth Banks. I think all of them have a great style. They all take risks while still keeping a nod to simplicity in some regard. They all have a perfectly balanced approach to fashion; just flawless.
What is your biggest inspiration?
My inspiration always is drawn from nature and all her landscapes. I am also obsessed with the sea and shipwrecks.
Three must-haves if you were stranded on a desert island?
1. Pippa (my most adorable kiddo pup).
2. A sketchbook and pencils.
3. Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers!
What advice would you give our brides?
So many brides shop for a look that is "timeless." I say don't go for timeless, celebrate the time you are living now and go with what matches you stylistically now. You will look dated at one point anyway, so just go for what you want. Don't be afraid of going bold. Choose what you like, and don't apologize for it!!
Thanks for spending a couple minutes answering our questions, Tara! Those coming to the trunk show this weekend will get to meet Tara in person, if you haven't made your appointment yet, we have openings on Sunday–give us a call at 720.855.1111!!